Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am 35

Alhamdulillah, yesterday at exactly 8.35am I turned 35..

As I reflect on all the things that have happened in the past 35 years, and all the experiences, the hardships and happy times, I can't help but feel absolutely blessed. All the experiences have made me who I am, changed the way I think, how I react to situations, and how much I value everything I already have around me.

To carve this in stone, I'd like to post it here in my little blog that I am absolutely grateful to Allah for giving me all the blessings, the rezeki and love I have now.. I am especially grateful for having 3 absolutely wonderful people in my life - my handsome, understanding, supportive and ever loving husband, my princess Kiki and my little baby Zarif, of which all the happiness i have in my heart, I owe it to them.

Also, as I have come to realise in the recent times, wonderful wonderful friends, all who have given me all their support, love and constructive criticism, and have helped me shape my life into becoming a better person, worker and muslim.

I pray Allah will bless all of you who have touched my life with the same blessings which He has given me, InsyaAllah. And for all these blessings to continue eternally.

To my loves Zairul, Kiki and Zarif: you have my undying love, forever... InsyaAllah.


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