2190 days of love..
Alhamdulillah, we have come to 6 years of our marriage. So many things have happened in the past 6 years, it seems like only yesterday that we just met.
A friend at the office asked me, "Apa rasanya? Rasa lama ke cepat?"
I answered cepat.
Then she continued, "Rasa Limau? Masam sikit, manis sikit. Ke rasa strawberry?"
I added, "Yup, definitely rasa limau.. Masam sikit, manis sikit, pahit pun ada.."
Mr. Husband, I love you more than all the sand on the beach and all the stars in the sky, all put together.
Thank you Dear.
We had dinner at a Restaurant in KL where he meant to propose but was undergoing reservations so he changed the venue...