Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Syukur Alhamdulillah..

Alhamdulillah, my loved ones are OK. Allah was looking out for us and He protected us from harm..

It happened along the main road in Kelana jaya yg depan FAM tuhh, near the SS3 Mosque.

This minah, nak turn right towards SS4, she was looking left for oncoming cars, tak tengok kanan.

We horned and thought she'd stop but she didnt, by the time she realised we all dah dekat sangat and tak sempat stop, went over the divider, missed a tiang lampu, and over to the other side of the dual lane oncoming side.

Alhamdulillah, no oncoming cars at that point. Kalau one second later or earlier, tak tahulah the extend of the accident. It was during peak hour traffic lak tu - 630pm.

I was really hysterical sebab Syakirah was in the car and dangling from the hand rail kat belakang. Tersirap darah I bila tengok dia tergantung sampai terlupa I pregnant.

I tak perasan pun what was happening outside the car, all I was worried about was Kiki.

But, anyway, semua ok. Little damage to the car but the vision of the accident is still fresh in my mind.

Allah really protected us all, Alhamdulillah.

My advise to you, when driving past a junction, be EXTRA careful. Sometimes orang lain fail to be careful.

Thanks a lot to all my friends for your concern..
Take care and be VERY safe when driving - PLEASE LOOK LEFT AND RIGHT WHEN CROSSING A JUNCTION!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Big Little Baby Emry

Kiki is sooooo in love with her baby cousin Emry, sampai mengigau mintak Emry. Kiki thinks Emry belongs to her, her little baby..

He's so flawlessly white - like a Porcelain Michelin Baby..

Doesn't he remind you of this character?? An EXACT look-alike???

Monday, April 20, 2009

My dearest Kiki..

Oh Kiki.. I wish I knew how it was to be the perfect mum to you.

As I sit here in the office thinking of you and all I have done for you or done to you, I feel like crying and wanting to erase and do things back again. Correcting whatever mistakes and making right whatever I think I did wrong.

Now that I'm pregnant, sometimes it gets quite overwhelming for me. Even doing simple things get harder to do as your adik grows.

Oh Kiki.. please know that I'm trying my best and I'm sorry for all the incompetencies and not-so-perfect way of raising you. I promise I'll learn better ways to raise you.

Please know that I really love you.

Monday, April 06, 2009

In loving memory..

Our dear little BJ was mauled by 5 stray dogs in the compounds of our home yesterday. It will be difficult to look for a new cat with an excellent personality like little BJ.

May BJ rest in peace in heaven with Yoba and Lucy.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Her own Telekung