Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Wow I dont really know how to describe it..

The feeling is totally incredible. I will be visiting Allah's sacred place and I will be within a walking distance to the direction of which I face to pray..

The preparation for this trip was testing. Somehow, we managed it. After destination and date changes, to flight cancecllations to changing travel agents, InsyaAllah Shamsul, Alina, Zairul and I will be headed for our Umrah on 6 October to 17 OCtober 2005.


On another note:
Saba is pregnant with her 5th child. Wow thats another great feeling. Its weird though that when she mentioned it I didnt feel as upset as I normally would. May be Allah is helping me..


Friday, September 16, 2005

test after test after test

My patience is running thin..
My heart, at times, feels like it's being stabbed..

1. A friend's wife is pregnant and some "man" is not exactly being sensitive to my feelings about it.. It was first told to me as as-a-matter-of-fact kind of thing and the next day I was told of how old the pregnancy is.. I am still hurting.. I know it but some people dont seem to empathise with me..

2. A shocker with my Umrah trip.. my flights are not confirmed.. I'm sad but all I can do now is wait and pray it's all settled soon..

3. A dear friend had a scare with some spotting and was relieved to find out that it was due to stress.. but was really sad to find out that she was not pregnant.. I know the feeling dear..

4. I had to "tell" on a colleagues slacking work and this may affect her confirmation next month.. I feel really terrible..

5. I miss my boys..

6. I miss Zairul..


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The month that was..

I have been really busy for the past month..


1. Our Umrah trip has been confirmed for 28 September 2005. Insya Allah Zairul, Shamsul, Alina and I will be going for Umrah on Saudi Air.

2. Ayie needs help. I hope Allah will help him during his troubled times.

3. I started my quilt. Cant stop thinking about what it will look like when it is completed.

4. Yoba has a bald patch.

5. We have just bought a new Punto in place of my beloved Honda..

6. Attended Hibat's wedding, a Sri Inai friend, who turned out to be a childhood friend. Met Aunty Margaret at the wedding and Shahar's brother Hassan. Dont think Shahar is married yet?

7. Work is interesting. I feel like i'm worth something now that I have a million things to do.

8. Uncle Zali finally called me after a long while.

Alhamdulillah all is going smoothly. I like it.. :-)