Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My buddy's last day..

Suk, Nell & Me : during the BEST times together.

Right now as I am typing this, Nell is probably on her rounds saying goodbye to all her friends at the office.

On one hand I really want to be there to send her off but on the other this MC came just in time..

You see, I dont really want to say goodbye.. I hate goodbyes cause I'll start crying macamlah its the end of the world. I'd rather this be just another day where Nell is off to some place doing her thing and she'll be back soon..

Anyway, Nell, I had good fun with you. You remind me of myself when I was your age going through the same dilemmas and anxiousness although you handled it far better than I did..

Thanks for being there, for giving me the tissue even before I start crying, slapping me on the back even before I even think of doing something I may regret, cheering me on during those times when I think I'm no good for anything, giving me wonderful fashion tips, helping me own great tops and making me feel good about myself, helping me get out of emotional ruts without judging me.. and the list goes on and on..

True as a geminian twin, I think our friendship proves the geminian traits.. You just know what I'm thinking or what I am about to do..

I pray that all your wishes come true and that all that you pray for (whichever Allah thinks is best for you) will come true in the time frames which is good for you.

As I always say, keep praying and InsyAllah your prayers will be answered in one way or another.

Thanks Nell.. for everything.

My prayers will always be with you even if we dont meet or speak as often as we like later.

p/s Zairul kirim salam and wishes you all the best in whatever you set out to do.

ELEPHANT Loads of Love,
Sarina & Syakirah.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

7 years ago.. on the 15th of November..

7 years ago, my dear Zairul proposed to me on this day..

7 years ago, my darling presented me my dream ring..

7 years ago, he changed my life and made me the happiest person on earth..

7 years ago, Allah answered my prayers, Alhamdulillah..

Now 7 years after that.. we have this munchkin to fuss over..

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Last Brekkie as colleagues

Sue, Nell and I had a lovely breakfast at O'Briens this morning.

While it was great having breakfast with these girls, I feel a little sad knowing that this may be one of the last breakfasts we'll be having together, with Nell, as colleagues..

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My new little nephew..

Nell & I went to visit little Emri Zaccary at the hospital during lunch today..

Introducing the latest addition to the Mat Salleh family..

P/s Thanks Nell for being there with me to witness this joyous moment.. :-)

The arrival of Mr. Emri Zaccary Mohd Nazri

Alhamdulillah, finally after a very long wait, little Mr Emri Zaccary made his entrance to this world and into our lives last night 11 November 2008 at 11.20pm.

Zairul and I were actually there at the hospital just under 1 hour before but he decided he wanted to be born in the "11th" hour time frame to match his birthdate.. Such good timing my boy..

I will post his picture soon. Hopefully I'll get to meet him during lunch today..


On another note, todays marks a year ago when Yoba passed on. I'd like to reverse my sad feelings and make it a day to remember all the lovely memories we've had with him.

To Yoba, wherever you are, thank you for all the lovely times together. We miss you lots..